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Aug. 28, 2024

Advice for incoming Spartans

August 28, 2024


Those first steps on Michigan State University’s campus can be exhilarating for new Spartans. And like many big life moments, that sense of hope and excitement also can bring some anxiety.  

Everything is new; everything is so big! There are so many people, so many opportunities.  

Where to even begin?  

We suggest taking it one step at a time. Take a moment and settle in — because we’ve got your back. Spartans helping Spartans is how we’ve always done it on the banks of the Red Cedar.

In fact, we asked current students and alumni to offer advice to their former first-year selves. The responses were real, vulnerable and honest. The best kind of advice always is. 

Good luck to the 11,000 new Spartans officially making MSU their home and to all the returning students who are starting the fall 2024 semester.

You’ve got this, and we’ve got you.

“Be grateful. This isn’t just college. This is one of the most incredible opportunities ever presented to you. Don’t ever take being a Spartan for granted.”

—Lisa Mulcrone, 1992, psychology

Person sitting on green couch with microphone in foreground

“If it’s due at the end of the week, don’t wait until the end of the week.” 

Darius Cunningham

“Savor the friendships you build over your first year of dorm life; they may last a lifetime. Two of my closest friendships were made during freshman year and remain the most meaningful - other than my beloved wife who I didn’t meet until sophomore year!”

—Michael Brown, university physician
1986, College of Human Medicine

Person sitting on green couch with microphone in foreground

“You don’t have to portray yourself in a certain way. You really just have to be yourself.” 

Shae Eckles

“I encourage you to try real hard to be more assertive and speak up for yourself, to have opinions and express them (respectfully, of course!), and to take full advantage of the amazing opportunities that this huge, diverse, exciting campus has to offer!”

—Jo Anna Bennett, 1972, secondary education

Person sitting on green couch

“Become comfortable with being uncomfortable.” 

Lily Wenkel

“This advice was given to me by a customer on my paper route before I left for MSU in 1985, 40 years ago. I never forgot it and it would repeat in my subconscious whenever I was presented with a temptation to do something besides study or prepare for my classes: ‘Never forget why you are there.’"

—Chris R. Richards, 1990 and 2020, packaging

Person sitting on green couch

“Everyone is going through the same thing you’re going through; you’re not alone.” 

Satya Magapu

“My advice would be to find some extracurricular activities outside of your friends, early on. You will make friends in the dorm and you will have friends that are coming from your same high school. But extracurriculars will bond you with people that quite obviously have a similar interest as you.”

—Becky (Matter) Veit, 1990, public administration

“First, the early weeks of college can be bewildering. Locate a club or organization connected to campus that interests you and join. In my experience, there would be a warm welcome waiting, and it's a good place to find persons who share your values.”

—Ruth Hazelton, 1956, early childhood development

Person sitting on green couch

“Have some grace; give yourself some time.” 

Connor Le 

“Set a study routine and stick with it. You will want to do well this semester as your first semester grades will be the “front page” of your transcripts for the rest of your life. Good Luck and Go Green!”

—Gail Robertson, former MSU Distinguished Fellow recipient

Person sitting on green couch

“Go out of your way and take the risk. It’s in those moments of uncertainty that you will grow and learn the most.” 

—Agrim Gupta

“Leave an hour between scheduling classes from the middle to borders of the campus. There's no way that you can make it in just 20 minutes, especially if you use the restroom.”

—Valerie Novak, 1976, resource development

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

Animated: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?
Static: Alan Partridge - would it be terribly rude to stop listening to you?

Name of Student

Something about the student

View from a hot air balloon of other balloons
a balloon fairground ride
sunrise over a harbor
three hot air balloons in a blue sky
the Toronto light up sign at night

By: Ellen Doepke, Kelsie Lane, Nick Schrader, Anthony Siciliano, Jacob Templin-Fulton and Jennifer Trenkamp

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